
Can You Afford Organic Food?

This post is for my co-worker, Julie, who told me yesterday that organic food is just too expensive for her to buy. Especially because she has a 13 year old son who eats a lot. I think price is a very legitimate concern and this is a hot political topic. Yes, organic has 40% more nutritious value than conventional and yeah for no chemical cancer causing sprays and so on. But hey, on a social worker's budget I feel her pain! So, my first advise is to buy in season, that is always cheaper. My second piece of advise is to check out the blog MyDailyDiner

Amanda has grocery shopping for *organic* on a *budget* broken down to a science. Look at the right hand column of the blog and scroll down to the section entitled "A Smarter Way to Shop."

It starts with this, "Eating can be expensive. How do I keep my budget between $120-$200/per week, while feeding a family of four only organic, local and seasonal food?
It took practice.
On Friday's, I hit Whole Foods and buy a weeks worth of meat. I buy whatever is on sale. I spend $20 to $30/weekly on meat..."
So, you get the idea. Check out her site and start buying organic.

1 comment:

amandalouden said...

Another way to save is to not watse. Meal planning helps a lot. Also at the end of the week, I make a grain or pasta salad with leftover random veggies. I throw in some feta and pine nuts. So yum. Or I freeze for later. Amanda, www.mydailydiner.com